PokeFiesta | Pixelmon 5.0 Beta 7 | Gyms | Jobs
This here is PixelFiesta (ip: play.pokefiesta.com) and I hope you're ready to begin your adventure cool
The ultimate goal of this server is to provide a fun and safe enviornment for all players to spend their time and make new friends and expericence all kinds of unique things. Specific rules can easily be accessed anywhere on the server by using the /rules command. Like anyother pixelmon server, you're here to become the best trainer with the best pokemon. On our server, you'll find gyms to test the merit of your pokemon and staff events (drop parties, tournaments, etc.) that'll hopefully create a tight-knit and active community.
Anyways, everyone who has worked on this server hopes that you enjoy it and if there are any questions you have for us, ask away! Either here or on the server.
General Tips:
/warp claiming will more likely than not help you with your claiming issues
/warp list allows you to see all avaiable warps and let's you click on the one you wish to teleport to
Anyone is allowed to apply for the Helper postion via the forums
Try to get to know who the staff are! My in-game name is CasualStuffs and the existing Co-Owner is Jeepers99
Thanks again for checking out this server, hope you enjoy!