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Squishy Family Pixelmon
Just a casual pixelmon server looking for more players to relax and enjoy the game with, we have quite a few mods and plugins such as the below to name a few.
- GriefDefender
- Core Protect
- WonderTrade
- Maze Events
- Better RTP
- Shadow Pokemon
- Better odd's for legendarys
- A low level gym for grinding out money
- Challenging league for competitive players
- Chest shops ( can be placed anywhere! as you can use a gui to teleport to players shops! )
- Job's to earn money ingame
- Absolutely FREE access to pokeheal upon just joining!
- Tree Capitator ( No more floating trees! )
- Player Warps
We are working on more content to be added in the future, like Ultimate trainers to face against for the competitive players. once the community's built up a bit, we are even looking into player and npc gyms!
We aren't anything special from other servers, we are just a small group that relax and enjoy the game.