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Un-Linked is the way to go for those of you who really want to enjoy pixelmon!

  • 99% of the time there are no lag issues, every now and then there might be some but it happens extremely rarely

  • We give you a kit of very valuable and heplful items so that you can have what ever you need when you start the game

  • The staff are friendly and active, so is our community. We do not tolerate hate speech or any kind of bullying here.

  • Crates with random EPIC loot!

  • Pokebuilder access with vote points! (allows you to improve/edit your pokemon)

  • Elite four

  • Grinder for easy leveling

To those who think the Staff has went insane you are completely wrong. they tend to joke a lot and they are normally very nice people and if you politely ask for assistance you will mostly get it. I have been playing this server for 6 years and I must say this. I LOVE THIS SERVER
Posted 12th Jun 2024
Staff have completely gone insane. From the blatant disrespect on the discord to certain players, to being unknowledgeable on how to fix problems, and also adding features no one asked for or needed. The economy is broken to high hell, and simple changes take forever to be implemented. A skin crate does not take 3 months to be added, and I only say this because they haven't removed the useless skin keys from their standard crates. Staff are extremely disrespectful and immature, and it's a miracle how they've been up for so long.

Stay far away from this server.
Posted 21st Mar 2024
great server everyone is friendly, no complaints with me.
Posted 26th May 2023
Very pleased. Love this server. People are very nice and they've improved it alot in the past years
Posted 5th Jan 2023
it doesn't have alot of players but that's what I love about the server everyone that's on is nice helps eachother chat is nice and not alot of spam. I have over 400 hours on the server says enough!
Posted 17th Dec 2022
This server's community is wonderful it's the main reason i keep coming back no matter how many breaks i take, the current player count is low compared to what it has been in the past years but it is still a blast.
Posted 8th Apr 2022
0 player base and the one player online is happier to call you dumb for asking questions about how to maneuver through their poorly programmed server than actually help. Will never reset because they are afraid to loose the players who have already abandoned the game long ago and the server lags with only 3 people online. Website is apparently as dead as their player base and I would recommend any other sever over this one :)
Posted 23rd Mar 2022
This server is likely the worst one out there. There is practically no players, the staff are incredibly rude and unreasonable. I know someone who used to be staff themselves who got banned and the owner refuses to even give them a chance solely on the world of a Co-Owner who doesn't even play anymore. If you piss off the wrong people on this server, the same can happen to you. Do not play on this server. It is not worth it.
Posted 28th Jun 2021
Was perma banned for bypassing a 15 minute mute. Played consistently for nearly 4 years. Not very epic judo.
Posted 3rd Jul 2020
Owner does not care about the server anymore. The head admin barely talks and is very rude to players. One of the worst staff I have ever seen. No effort to improve it and staff are very rude and abuse their staff roles. I’ve heard of many situations where they have banned players without any proof whatsoever. They have almost no players now and the service and quality of the server is at rock bottom. AVOID THIS SERVER AT ALL COSTS!!!
Posted 2nd Jul 2020
Believe themselves to be completely infallible and cannot take criticism, banning people who dare to question a decision or even deleting entire threads of messages. The server has also been up to some shady stuff regarding player count that should be brought to question. There are many better servers out there, as in, literally any others. Do try and avoid this one.
Posted 3rd Apr 2020
Server has gone majorly downhill recently, it is unkept and un-maintained, warps from world wipes haven't been re added weeks on some servers and months on others, many plugins are bugged or simply do not function, any new ones that are added arent tested and cause even more bugs. Most recently a bug with a plugin completely wiped your inventory when using it and without screenshots of exactly what you had at that moment staff would not give it back to you, extremely disappointed in how this server is ran and the state its in, youd be better off joining any other server besides this one.
Posted 2nd Apr 2020
Staff are extremely hostile and rude towards players, do little to nothing aswell. Theres been two map wipes within the same year because the owner and co owner cant be bothered to solve lag and their solution is just to wipe the map with everyones builds on it. Extremely predatory real money shop that violates Minecraft's EULA. The server serves as a way to quickly suck money out of you then throw you to the side to make way for other people willing to spend more than you. They dont care for the players or community and are only here to squeeze whatever money you have out of you
Posted 2nd Apr 2020
I used to play non stop on this server and I loved it a lot. But now with the new staff this server has went downhill very fast as us old players are watching our beloved server being closer and closer to being closed down it hurts. The server now sucks, I suggest you don't come near it. Trust me on this one.
Posted 29th Mar 2020
The servers generally just sad now. Nothing much to do online, it’s boring. Use to be a good server back then when staff actually did stuff. Nowadays, out of the server’s staff team only a few of them help out. The server doesn’t care about their player’s opinions even though they suggest they do. The higher positioned staff just care about the money given from server. Doesn’t seem they put much time anymore helping green staff learn or doing stuff for the server. Example being the warps have been down for weeks now. Trust me, you’ll surely find a better server then this one.
Posted 29th Mar 2020
The server used to be great, but now the staff team and owner have changed and they care about money and their own needs. They do not do what players want which is why the server is a ghost town now. This server is most likely close to closing down so whatever you do avoid this server at all costs!
Posted 29th Mar 2020
I Love This Place And I Would Never Quit.

Posted 2nd Oct 2019
Its great, simple and easy to use.
Posted 21st Aug 2019
I love this server its the only server i can consistently play on with out being with out lag. one only problem I would have would be the legendary pokemon. 1 spawns every 50 votes thats good, but it seems to spawn on the same people. all the time. I do recommend this server to any one who just want a friendly good community for pixelmon.
Posted 8th Jun 2019
Best server for making friends and getting help when you need it. Staff are kind and always helpful/friendly. Could not recommend a better pixelmon server! They always stay up to date with the latest versions of pixelmon and host awesome competitions with some amazing prizes. As a rule, I don't play games; however, I love playing Pixlemon on this server! <3
Posted 22nd Jul 2018
This is a very good server. Staff is around all the time, New things are added often and provide a fun long term server. Would recommend to everyone.
Posted 16th Jul 2018
Staff is great, friendly and helpful. Cannot say the same about other servers. The server also hosts monthly competitive tournaments which are always a blast. Overall I would absolutely recommend this server.
Posted 16th Jul 2018
Un-Linked is a good server. Although people complain about the spam rules of 'No 3+ words of caps' or 'No excessive spamming', nobody likes those. I see that many people are angry because of the staff being 'abusive', but I have been on this server for years now, and never have I seen a staff member abuse their power to harm players. If you take the time to enjoy the server, and just calmly state messages instead of spamming the same capital lettered swears on a child-friendly server, than you would realize that it's actually quite decent. The server's lag is not bad, in fact, I find that in most cases, the lag is from the player's own internet or devices. The server restarts once every few hours. That's not too bad. I have yet to come across any bugs that are too bad to live with. There's basically just the bug where you are stuck in battle, and it rarely happens. People are complaining about the community, but the community is just filled with players like them. Do they expect players, who I see helping people more than hurting people, to act so differently from themselves? In conclusion, this server is a decent server to play on. Heck, even Pokeradar, which is banned in most other servers, is allowed! I give this server my thumbs up.
Posted 4th Jul 2018
I like the vote crates and I dislike nothing
Posted 2nd Jun 2018
This server needs a lot of work. It is stale and boring, rules are too strict, staff are very unfriendly and ban-happy. Would not recommend this server to anyone.
Posted 23rd Jan 2018