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i really like the server and how it is made an overall i think it is great but the only downside is that there are no admins online and therefore a lot of swearing. But i think it is still a very good server
Posted 7th Aug 2021
Posted 7th Aug 2021
This is an amazing server I love all the things it has to offer

Posted 1st Aug 2021
i love this server i started a almost 2 weeks ago and its so fun to play and the server doesnt have lags

Posted 1st Aug 2021
this server is an epic gamer moment G3RMANY_
Posted 23rd Jul 2021
aunibis mc is the best server for pixelmon and i enjoy the server a lot poqlio
Posted 21st Jul 2021
Excellent server! Most friendly staff I have ever seen on any server before, absolutely worth a visit! Hope to see you there too. <3
Posted 11th Sep 2020
This is a really amazing server with everyone who plays being really friendly. I've only been playing for 3 days but I've played 4 hours a day after school and 1 hour before school to relax and its so easy to do that because of how nice everyone is.
Posted 2nd Sep 2020
Great server meet so meany new players who can teach you things and help you out if you don’t understand something. Staff are nice and friendly and if you have a problem they will try there best to fix it for you so you have a more enjoyable experience on the server. Owners are a nice bunch of people and host amazing events again so you have a enjoyable time on the server and they are always looking on ways to improve the server all in all best server I’ve played on looking forward to what’s next -wee_red_one
Posted 2nd Sep 2020
An amazing and super fun server to play. The staff members are some of the nicest people you can meet and as soon as you join the server, you make tons of friends that will help you throughout your pixelmon journey. I have been playing for a few months now and i'm really enjoying myself. I wake up everyday and i'm always thrilled to get on the anubis server and have some fun.

Posted 2nd Sep 2020
The best server ever! even thou it isnt it should be in first!! the staff they r like.... i cant even explain how nice they r to everyone! The_meat_tree is like a father to all who play! the non mods and helpers r just very nice people! i cant explain how nice everyone is on this server! i can go on so much more on how great anubis is! but i have to get back to playing it. so join this server cuz its just pure fun, friends, and nice people!
Posted 2nd Sep 2020
Best pixelmon server ever!!
Posted 2nd Sep 2020
This is an amazing server. I just want to let the whole server know that if you haven't joined yet, you should.
Posted 2nd Sep 2020
Incredibly helpful and friendly community and staff. Custom textures are incredibly interesting, and events are fun. Player input is used often to help improve the server, including from this very site! Not the BIGGEST fan of lootboxes--they're fun sure, but also psychologically manipulative. But a server has to make money, and many much bigger servers do this MUCH worse--at least the paid crates have equal odds for the various entries on the Pixelmon realms. Speaking of, the existence of four different realms is honestly rather refreshing. It allows for a unique experience in each different realm, as you can play differently if you so desire. Bugs are relatively easy to report and for the most part staff response is quick--sometimes crushing bugs within a day of their reporting--and there are continual rewards for even free-to-play players, plus more things are being added to keep players engaged.
Posted 2nd Sep 2020
I liked the server cause its very user friendly the staff are always willing to help when you need it. The server never really gets boring as there's always an event coming up. Something I dislike is even if you completed the dex you technically didn't finish it and it won't give you the reward for 100% of the dex all because some pokes are not even out yet but over all its a really good server.
Posted 2nd Sep 2020
Honestly the server has such a welcoming feel when playing pixelmon and personally has made me want to help the community and the server. I've been here for 3-4 weeks now and with the cool updates they are releasing mixed with the cool events make every day playing on the server a good and fun day.
Posted 27th Aug 2020
I love almost everything in the server after playing the server for 5 months now and I think that the community is great and the staffs are great too. Im excited for new updates and hope that everything goes well.
Posted 8th Aug 2020
One pixelmon servers i've ever played on. Friendly staff, daily events, and constant updates. Highly recommend!
Posted 8th Aug 2020
AnubisMC is an outstanding server. The staff are super professional, friendly, and resolve issues in a timely manner. In my many years of playing Pixelmon and other game modes this is the best server I've come across. It has in-game events for all player levels and the events are run almost daily. It has custom features that make the game play unique. Awesome server.
Posted 8th Aug 2020
Amazing server with a very solid staff and player base. 4 different Pixelmon realms and regular events to enjoy! Plus very effective when solving problems!
Posted 8th Aug 2020
Super friendly staff, large server with a lot of active players. Barely any down time. And i can appreciate the regular events too!
Posted 8th Aug 2020
First and foremost, the server is a community. A place where everyone of all ages can come together and enjoy themselves. You are able to build friendships and journey with each other to become the greatest trainer you can be. Staff on the server are great. They are loved by everybody and are always willing to help someone with questions or in need. Staff are also able to get on when there are problems on the server that just need to be resolved. They work to try and continue the greatness of the server and are always trying to fix bugs and etc. The Anubis Mc server is also partnered with 4 youtubers who provide the players in the server with more content. Players can watch videos to learn new things every day. Overall the community is excellent and without a doubt the best server I have been involved in.
Posted 8th Aug 2020
I have been playing on the server for 3 months now. And I will stay playing for at least 3 more. All the staff members are so nice. If you ask them something they react immediately. They have an awesome ticket system when I have questions about the server. This is the best server I ever played on.
Posted 8th Aug 2020
This server has been very enjoyable to play on and has amazing staff that help the moment you need it making each moment just as enjoyable as the last. Not only is the main chat regularly monitored but everyone is kind and thoughtful of one another as the server continues to offer new events and features.
Posted 8th Aug 2020
This is the best sever ever I play on here when ever I can and I have made a great friend, its a good way to meet new people and one thing I dont like that it is in 1.15 and not 1.16. But its a great sever I personally like oneblock in the skyblock sever.
Posted 8th Aug 2020