This server has been deleted from the list and is available only for archival purposes.
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Once you enter the server you'll be brought into the spawn. the spawn is Asian like. the spawn has a pokemarkt that changes items regularly, a pokecenter to heal your fainted pokemon and a battle field which you have to parkour towards. the theme of the server is the Nuzlocke challenge but it is not a requirement to play it. be sure to join our discord to chat with fellow Nuzlocke players! can get your starter items by doing /kit starter. this kit has pokeballs, great balls, ultraballs, masterball, rarecandy, Exp all and a claiming shovel!if you have any questions contact me via discord which is UnderZKRunic#1555staff appplications are currently open as we need help making it a better server!although it might become whitelisted so only those on discord will be granted entry.

Hey so i was just wondering if you could add me on discord to talk about the server, i'm a bit confused about the application and the fact that the server isn't whitelisted. I'm MrWhatsit#5963 on discord.
The server replied:
I added you on discord
Posted 28th Nov 2019
Hi, can I join your server please? I started to play pixelmon local at home on my computer but I want to play online with others.
The server replied:
of course! sorry for the late reply.
Posted 27th Nov 2019