IGN: MustacheCakeGuy
This server is definitely a server. 32 rare candies worth.
It is fun because it sets stuff up for you.
It is very good because u can get a shiny straight off the bat for free - tuyz
server is pretty fun SkullGod201
It is a really good sever to play on.
this is a great server i like it that you can get other skins of pokemons with the special mod pack its also nice that you can get other pokemons as a starter. You also get a masterball when you begin and a shiny pokemon when you connect your discord
i give this server a 8/10
Super Good And Fun To play on
Berkaderk1125. Good Server best one I've found.
Imposter_WasSus This pixelmon server was very great, I had alot of adventures through my journey and i hope this game develops into a amazing game in the near future.
RockyxRocky . It gives a good headstart
Buuszz__ the best server in my live
DxrkSkies1391 - Ive only just started playing on it but im really enjoing it :D
TheBoss42173872---I think this server is the best and greatest I have ever played!!!!
Buuszz__ the best pixelmon server in my live
the best server in my live
Hi im _sweqty_.
This is such a good server. I LOVE IT!
stathispro0:this server is awesome and fun u should give it a try
Immasmiteu : Its a good server with nice people on it, i have only been on for a bit but have had a good time.
Really fun, Great staff, Great plugins, Great community.
Overall 10/10
It is really fun, yall should play it - Susamaruu
This server is great! I love catching pokemon and crafting items to help me build a house and better materials help give me better chances of survival!
Very friendly server with great staff. - gEnderbee
Good server and nice community
- FoxyGoPoof
This sever has helped me go back to my childhood Pokémon days and truly enjoy this game. I would recommend this game to anyone who wants to try and have some fun with pixelmon
Username: 101Phoenix
well this sever is the very frist sever i have ever really been a part of all the people on this sever have been really helpful and always led me in the right drection and one of my favorite part of the severr that i have never seen before was the event tag is my favorite
my username is dreamske