Pretty cool
found the ip on youtube and absolutly love it! <3
its very very good i enjoy playing it it is good fun
Epic game i love the fact that you get a free shiny because in any pokemon game i couldnt get one i dislike that the pokemon aroung me are higher lvl so it is hard to lvl up (Izzyd22709)
epog (cross between epic and pog)
friendly staff and good players too
Great server and friendly staff, always helped when i asked.
(Username: _Crankytime_ )
a great and friendly server
server very good includes quest and alternate side thing to keep you interested and have things to do and work towards
this game is fun and a blast to be playing ngl Likkshot
POG you get mad legs and hekka candys too thank you game.
really cool server it gives you a random shiny on start and you can choose some custom starters what is very cool Username : Szefuncio354
username- Gaven1014
this server is great and it runs very smoothly. I've had a fun time vibin with my friends on it!
my names hunt69 agin still good saerver
Its pretty dope! I love playing on the server with a couple pals of mine, and we have been enjoying ourselves quite a bit :) - CallMeBekky
Fun, easy, over all enjoyable
i love play on this sever
Very nice server with friendly community
its really good and is a great server
This is a very good server, everyone has a very good attitude towards other people and is very helpful towards new players aswell as those who have played for longer.
PokeParadise is a fun server, and has a great easy start for new players, I felt welcomed by the other players and staff. I'm kinda new so i may be a bit annoying when constantly asking for help, I've only played minecraft on xbox so far so it's gonna take a bit to learn pc. But the server is great and very fun if i had to rate it 8/10 s far and will probably get better to :)
Awesome, Keep it up! <3! :D! I'd LOVE To see a server like this, if it even excisted. But thankfully it did excist, this. :D! Also my username is BaseIsNotBad!
server isnt as laggy as others and is super friendly
I liked it its like any pixelmon server very fun to play with friends.
nice serveur I like playing on there