10/10 would say its very above Average ;3
best server in the market
it is cool you have pokemon
its the best game ever and you can do many things like catch pokemon
ign is werewolf543 i love this server 10/10 i would recomend it
Great Staff and Friendly community- Wise_Cracker
Amazing Server 10/10 Smacks
quality stuff bro
IGN: UrDead107
8/8 mate would rate great.
IGN: Expl0dingWalrus
Brilliant server! Teamrocketgrunt1
this server is amazing everyone is nice
IGN: JakeDuhDawg
Fire server to play with the boys on
Awesome server!
IGN: luciferMS03
IGN: PurlsLittleMind
Love the server.
Im ChiefWholesome and I Joined for one reason and that was to play with a friend, After a day of playing I realized it was a great server to be with friends on, I even got another friend to join!
Good server I like to play it lol.
I enjoy the ease of access with the menus and the fact that there are things like the hunts and presents you can do. IG Skullace
great server, even better players. SenorBeefy56
good server fun to play on
This server is great, and serves as a great resource to improve my skills. Zakgamer5681
i like it its cool but mostly i did the review so i could get free rare candys lol
BirchWoodGamer77 good server
this is Dream____ review this server is amazing i love it i cant stop playing.i love it
Pokemon Pogu this sever is pretty pog ngl xQc should play Shortspark
this server is top 5 easily very poggers gameplay 10/10 ign, and i put that on the mandem Peace346