DESTROYER26920 The server is fun and unique
its a great sever 10/10 play it my name is nitroandfurno
its fun and you can get aot of free things my ign is 0DERP0
Its awesome you never get bored and its lots of fun(my ign is matter253)
its amazing my ign is fragglerocker
I enjoy this game very much it has the biggest fun, my name is Sam_574
I love this server, it's very fun. TheWaterAngel
Very Good i found the server extremely good and very good, my name is Sam_574
The best server ever. Thank you
fun to play but gets laggy
I like it because its unique and very artistic and i love the feel and how smooth it runs.
I really like the server it has a good community
So far this server is the best pixelmon server i've played on and i think no other server will ever beat it
It was amazing and probably the most fun and comfortable experience - priincegeo
Its a great server themathgeyserYT
Amazing server i love it IGN: BushWookie908
great server IGN: ForbidNewt78
Its a good server. IGN: Khypz
Got really confused on how to start and messed up picking my starter pokemon IGN: ItsEmberPlayz
great server amazing all round - rickgbell1979
I like the events. I dislike nothing. Thank you.
its a fun server but its very laggy but other than that its pretty fun- SOV_Killer
server fun, play server with friedn fun
rare canydey 32 :D
I enjoy it very much as I love to play on pixelmon servers with gyms like this one and I like this server because AsherWasHere played on the server!