The server's staff and general players are super nice, they help straight away when you have any questions, they welcome new players and they overall are very friendly. The server too has so many features that all make the game more fun.
I love this server its so fun to play on and my user on the server is Skyros20
Really great server IGN: xd_Titeritu
Very Nice i like IGN ItsEmberPlayz
I like the server there is a lot of nice people and alot of helpful staff Ign: UnLegitPlays
I said gimme free shit ign: ChickinNuggie
gimme free shit ign: ChikinNuggie
I enjoy the server with super kinda poeple and that always check chat and in general is a great community!
ign: pandapie815
I enjoy the server and its Features but some things need to be added to the donor shop, All Power Item Including Destiny Knots should be in the shop, Even if prices are very expensive it makes it doable to grind them out, Breeding is almost impossible because the lack of power items and their are no elite+ ranks on the server that are willing to purchase them for you
The server is great, have only played 2 days but I really like it, MicroChips
Perfect sever Username: brownienc
Super fun and everyone is friendly! Username: RedPnda
Super beginner friendly. Username: Orions_gaurdian
Honestly very easy to get started and keeps you around with events and just great people! Will continue to play personally!
This server is enjoyable. Username: Nxsay
my username is VariousAhmed44 and i like this server and I have been playing this server for this past week and its relly fun
very good pokemon server many glitches but its good and has a good comunity
My in game name is MrSnorlax_cute and this server is so good i would play on it and grind i've played pixelmon servers and this one is the best so far that i've played you can get regular starters or custom starters
My In game name is EmeraldMiner49er
This is by far the best pixelmon server that I have seen so far. There is just so much fun stuff to do and everyone is very friendly and helpful.
The mod and server is really cool. I mostly liked the ev training area and the easy warps. This was my first time playing pixelmon and I am really satisfied and addicted.
This server is definitely the best pixelmon servers so far. There is lots to do and everyone is very friendly.
Very good server, helpful and kind players and loads of improvements from the base pixelmon.
- Rexy1342
very goodvery goodvery goodvery goodvery goodvery goodvery goodvery goodvery goodvery goodvery goodvery good
very good very good very good
A generally excellent server
username ChocoWisplet