It's pretty fun, a lot of Pixelmon servers seem really stingy and money hungry, but I have just as much cool stuff as my friend who has spent money on it. 9.5/10.
The server is very fun and has a very nice community
Plenty of features and has just enough features to keep free to play players having fun - Phantom1031
Very well done, and barely laggy.
fun server and lots to do, nice people and helpful moderators. -Zylious
i think this server is really good HuskyS3npai
great server (ign lunchable)
good stuff and very affective
IGN Tr0nic
I love the server, very fair and rather easy to level with the warps and the community
IGN: Saviour
This server is great
Love this server very fun to play
I love pixelmon so i was happy i found a fun server to play with my friends.
Love this server this is the best
One of the best pixelmon servers Garlic_Stix
it is a fun server and i am enjoying playing on it
the best server ever
It is a great server and would definitely recommend it. PicklesNasty
IGN: beane_boi hiiiii im gay
I just started playing a couple days ago. I liked it so much, I bought a rank right away. Ya'll need to try the server out.
Their is nothing to dislike about the server
best server ever.
IGN: UncleDaddy1109 i love this server super cool i got a shiny ultra beast on my /link
It is a very good server
fun and good community, definitly not pay to win except the levels, that is the only thing im upset about