this server is so amazing im going to bed soon so gonna play it all day tomorrow LordTimmy11
Good job. my ign is Imagine21
A really great game! I'm glad I downloaded
its a really good serer
Incredibly fun server with many interesting mechanics. The shops help and the people on there are incredibly nice.
Cool server, I've been having a great time! My ign is SilversHungry.
very fun i enjoy it i love it i love pokemon and minecraft so this is perfect
its cool. username is FLSMadwolf360
username is mrdogdoggo
Awesome server ShadowOblivion07
I like the server, but it can be very laggy and I think it needs new servers.
it is cool
my name is misotideww
CaRuM23_1c high quality server
buckeyedude22 it is awesome and fun to play on
i really like the server it fun to play on - Yooniestar
Super good server with a lot of good time spend
This server is great! Such a good pixelmon server with fair shiny rates and such unique gym types. Though please make the gyms more active because they are usually offline which really ticks me off.
Awesome server
easy to level up MegaDCGaming
Easy game mechanics and a decent starter make this survival series a must-play. And as if that wasn't good enough they have a friendly community, are highly active, and sponsor a great pixelmon youtube JeromeASF. I highly suggest to hop on to PokeFlash if you can and try it out for yourself. written by- archeasphere
enjoy the community and the uptime
I like the server so far, lots of fun entertaining youtubers and so much to explore- rlpok3
its gud and its really fun yay wow cool amazing pokemon oof xd
I like the custom starters very unique maybe if someone wants a extra starter pay in game pokecash or add a kit for it. ~ Silver_Qrow
It's a lot friendlier than a lot of servers out there, and the server is rather calm.