Love the server! - OGRosaProSap
Good good very good good xPrizrak
Overall fun but could do with a party-up feature for playing with friends. MC_fusion
could use in game party feature to find teammates easier but overall fun blast from the past - Ggcamel3241
its a good server
my username is ravenboy_baranyt
Good events and engagement from the server
- Rank1ToonTown
Very yummy server, i played years ago and have plenty of nostalgia - Zoinky08
Great server love playing with my freinds
Username: Acid_Rap
Laxifier - cool server, nice difficulty
Azeru - Pretty fun server
InUrDadsMeowth - The server is very fun and interactive and it allows me to play with multiple friends
Its very fun and a server im allowed to play with multiple friends on!
LeoIsFunny- Love this game!! best pixelmon server fs!!
It's fun my friend recommended it to me, and I just started today its pretty good, better than most servers the only bad thing is some of the quests have bugs.
NotKdog- This server is the best pixelmon server
I love this game it's so good UBELE54
IZEELE - i appreciate the rewards and updates thank you guys
sick server (blestspider7169)
amazing gameplay : Stevetheking1999
its a great server and its a blast to play
the best server ever
this server is good
Amazining server -littlestizz
Waffflle thinks this server is amazing
hee hee haw haw spiders__