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Our server is a 1.7.10 pixelmon (3.5.1) minecraft server!
We have just started out so we do need staff all ranks are open and we have a website to fill in applications which should be down below :) OTTOCANGAME im the owner along with ByTarget being my Head-Developer and my 2nd in command. We have our Administrator Berned and other ranks but more need filling in!

We are currently in need of staff including all ranks for example: Helper,Mod,Admin,Head-Admin, Builder etc. we are 24/7 so it is likely that no staff are online but here is OTTOCANGAME's skype which should be 24/7 response. Skype: ottpot1 (Dont judge I made when i was 7 XD)

We hope you enjoy your stay at GengarCraft and come soon again!

Thanks for taking your time to read this :)


Well, I had a great time staff is pretty experienced although some are not, it's overall a really good server although I really hope that the gyms will be done soon but other then that this server is awesome.
Posted 9th Aug 2016
did't really like the direction the server is heading,might just be me.But if you guys who play this put lot of hours in don't get angry if the server closes,i don't get much fun out of it and left within 30 min.
Posted 8th Aug 2016