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Pokemon Adventure In Minecraft

Pokemon Adventure In Minecraft - Justiscraft


-----Survival!- The Ever-After-----

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Justiscraft: A is a survival and adventure minecraft server with a lot to offer any kind of player. Mods such as: Handcrafted, Tom's Trading Network, Pixelmon, Alex's Mobs, and JustLeveling (rpg mod). Travel around to see each town before going out of boundries to begin Survival mode! Spawn is radially protected and you must travel outside it to build and rpg, pvp and pixelmon are available in the boundry. The map is hand made and a great seed. Great at building? Ask on skype to build with us! Have a mod you would like to see added? Just ask! Saves will never be erased and can be asked for, so you can continue in singleplayer if you would prefer.

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