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I have had the pleasure of being part of this team for a little over a year - being a player for half a year before that. I first came to this server after watching a YouTuber and have been hooked since.
My only personal downside would be that shinies don't seem to have a value and legendaries are easily gotten out of vote parties and crates - a little bit too easily, meaning that some users hog 150+ legendaries.
Other than that, this server is continuously showing they can adapt their servers to try and meet new demands - that they are happy to listen to concerns and suggestions. Not to mention, there are monthly events held on each server : Red, Yellow and White as well as events for the server as a whole. Very inclusive!
Their discord is also very active, both with default players and staff, so there's always someone around who will answer any questions you may have. They also have an active teamspeak where you can talk and get to know members of staff.
I would highly recommend this server to someone looking to be part of a community.
Posted 24th Mar 2018
Extremely commercialised to the point of being pay to win. Paying for basic commands, paying for items, paying for pokemon, paying for training areas, etc. The objective is clearly to make money, not to provide a good experience for the players. And when you do give money, sometimes they decide not to give you what you paid for and refuse to give a refund.
I would not recommend giving this server any money, as they might take it and run. Be very careful with these guys. I wasn't and if it was a larger amount of money I'd be taking legal advice right now.
Add to the fact you've got kids as young as 13 on the staff team and you have the obvious 'power going to the head' effect.
Posted 4th Feb 2018
The server's players are very friendly and try to help when staff aren't available. The gyms are player run adding an additional difficulty to them and requires players to use strategy instead of pure power. The community is nice and there really isn't anything to dislike. I've been playing for over a year now and I am very happy to say that everyone is very welcoming.
Posted 30th Jan 2018
Let's start off with an introduction. I first joined PocketPixels in September 2016 after watching a YouTuber play on the server, it looked like a bit of fun and I was bored at the time so I decided "why not". I didn't expect to be still playing on this server still to this day but here I am, and this is why.
Firstly, the community is especially helpful to new players. Have a question? The helpers will answer it relatively quickly. Need a Pokemon evolved through trading? No worries, there will almost always be someone on to help and assist you with anything. Even something obscure like helping you think up a team for a gym, which links into my second point.
The Gyms on this server are probably the reason I've stayed this long and have continued to do so, they provide an extra layer of fun and challenge to the server as they start off relatively easier but escalate in difficulty, with some of the gyms requiring gimmicks that add even more to the challenge. I can't begin to tell you how much time I've put into breeding, EV training and leveling up Pokemon to take on the gyms. In total there are 31 gyms on the red server and 26 gyms on the yellow server, which - to put it bluntly - means that you have your work cut out for you!
The economy should also be a thing that should be touched on, some people may argue that it is a slight bit too strict or controlling but in my opinion it's fair. Their may be minimum prices on valuable assets such as legendaries and Hidden Ability Pokemon. But without these the economy would be extremely unbalanced and quite frankly fall apart, it enables new players to work for things that they want to have and adds to the challenge. The salary plugin makes basic needs like blocks and machines (e.g a Healing Table) easily affordable for new players. Additionally, this server is nowhere near P2W (Pay 2 Win) like some other servers out there. I have spent next to no money on this server apart from a generous donation and currently have almost 9 boxes of 5IV, EV Trained Pokemon. There is a limit to what you can buy on the store (an example being a 6iv ditto) to keep things in balance for all players.
A few minor things to touch on include the /quest and /pokehunt plugins, which are amazing ways to earn quick money and have fun whilst doing to if you're not a competitive battler. The friendly and active staff who do an amazing job at running the server and keeping the rules enforced. The teamspeak and discord servers are well maintained and active and you can always find someone to talk to in them and possibly make new friends!
But the finally, and I think main reason why I've stuck to this server is because of the fact that it keeps changing. Every couple of days there is a new changelog with fixes, improvements and new features which help expand the server. Not only that but the frequent events always give you something to look forward to in the future and help keep players engaged.
To be quite frank, PocketPixels is a server like no other and I highly suggest that if you're reading this please give it a try and join today!
Thank you.
Posted 30th Jan 2018
Pocketpixels is a great server I wouldn't have anything to say bad about it, it is one of the best minecraft servers I have played in a long time and pocketpixels has an amzing community everyone is friendly and welcoming... From the first day I started playing on pocketpixels I knew I would stay there for a long time... I have been on the server over 2 years now and will continue in my free time
Posted 26th Dec 2017
Alright, ive been on the server for almost 2 years now as an active member and a staff for just over a year. I believe the staff are very kind and there is a variety of things to do on the network from skyblock to pixelmon.
Although sometimes bad things happen that is a way of life. You will always have your ups and downs no matter where you are. This frame of mind keeps me and perhaps other staff with a positive mind.
Overall i think the server is stable and in control
Posted 23rd Dec 2017
The Pocketpixels server is a really amazing server it is very fun to play on and i have been a member for 2 years on the server o maybe even more there are few things that need a bit of working which i will mention.
1)The server is really good but Pixelmon red could use a few more h normal leaders i know the staff has been working on Elite 4 but do first give other gym leaders h normal gym or hire a few new Gym leaders.
2)I have been on the forum and noticed people who make good applications for helper or Gym leader Don't get picked as that role but people who are coming back get picked really quickly which i find unfair to the other players as well they should also get a chance to be helper or leaders.Also a lot i have noticed on the red.
But aside for the things i mentioned above the server is Amazing the staff are there if you need help everyone is friendly and they always help I really recommend playing on the server if you want to play pixelmon and other games.
Posted 30th Nov 2017
I am proud to say that I have been a member of this server for more than two years. Although we have our ups and downs, we manage to pull through.
Of course, it all comes down to preference, but through the years I've really grown on the network.
We have developers that work on great plugins and makes the whole experience better. Our forum is a place where you can ask for help, apply for staff or read other's threads.
Along with the server, we have a Discord channel that's very active, and there are always staff members to moderate and make sure that everything is kept appropriate and that the rules are followed.
In addition to the Discord channel, we have a TeamSpeak that's generally active, where you can talk with other people from across the network. I find it very interesting and fun, and you get to really know the people you may talk to on a day to day basis.
The community is always being worked on. Like mentioned before, we have our ups and downs, but we always manage to pull through, which in my opinion only shows a sign of humanity. The fact that we're able to communicate and fix issues the way we do is a sign of strength within the community, at least in my opinion.
So go on, try the server out! The worst that can happen is that you don't like it. We welcome you with open arms!
Posted 29th Nov 2017
Been part of PocketPixels for almost 2 years now. Can't describe how much I've enjoyed being part of this network and getting involved with the community.
The features are great and they're always working hard to bring new features. Bug fixes are being done a lot more now too to improve the experience of players.
The staff are friendly and welcoming to all, helping to improve the experience. Constantly seeing events being hosted in-game and they're always different.
Enjoyable and fun all round.
Posted 29th Nov 2017
Love it. back again after 2 years
Posted 28th Oct 2017
although pocket pixels has a large community that is active it seems all the server cares about is how much money they can grab from you. everything is over priced and some of the perks you are spending your hard earned cash on aren't even permanent. example- you have to spend $10 in order to fly....for one week. then your permission is revoked and you have to spend another $10 if you wanted to fly again. and if you wanted to do something as basic as checking your evs and ivs you better be spitting out $15. or of course you can just spend your entire paycheck on one of the many overpriced ranks that they offer. the most expensive kit is $400. what comes in that kit is something any other server charges maybe $24 for. oh and conveniently there shops don't work and they don't allow the use of npcs to sell items or buy items. but don't worry for real life money you can buy those items on their site. its absolutely disgusting what they are getting away with. please take this into account before dedicating anytime with this server.
Posted 8th Jul 2017
Very solid server! Keep up the good work guys!
Highly recommend to any new player looking for a pixelmon server.
Posted 4th Apr 2017
This server is actually amazing. I've been to quite a few pixelmon servers but this one definitely has to be my favorite or 2nd favorite. The staff are great and actually enforce the rules, the player base is friendly, there is a working economy, the gyms are difficult which I believe to be a defining aspect of a pixelmon server. If you haven't been here before I definitely recommend checking it out! Especially the blue server, that's the one I play on :D.
Posted 4th Apr 2017
I thoroughly enjoy this server with it's friendly staff and playerbase, everyone is friendly here as long as you can follow the rules. Plus, the gyms are actually a challenge here!
Posted 4th Apr 2017
Love this server. I've been playing for 1.5 years now, and love it. They have 4 different options for pixelmon servers, so find one you like. I suggest yellow ;)
Posted 21st Mar 2017
Staff are super rude and not helpful
Posted 16th Feb 2017
Economy is broken, staff are braindead, Spawn rates are non-existent. All round terrible server.
Posted 5th Feb 2017
I got mute for no reason but i do like it plz tell me why i got muted
Posted 23rd Jan 2017
Too many issues to name on this server. The economy has crashed completely, no way to make money decently, no giving pokemon to others, mods not answering questions, no one really helpful is ever on ect.
I had a lot of hope before but now its disappeared.
Posted 23rd Jan 2017
The server has a lot of potential, but there is a problem that doesn't let it grow more. The "ecobraking" rule. The rule is there for a good reason: to not let ppl break the economy. However the staff takes it as something totally different: you cannot give pokemons, you cannot sell stuff for your own price (even if it's only 100$ cheaper than their "minimum" price) and nobody buys stuff, because the price they force you to use is not the real one, just one that they want. So the economy doesn't flow, you cannot do anything with the money/rare things you got, and if you do anything that they want to consider as ecobreaking, you will get banned. Also, the server is almost only staff members, because the staff is huge and the players are just beginners, and since the economy doesn't flow, making money will be as hard as milking a stone.
Posted 24th Dec 2016
This is a good server with friendly staff. But the think that made me not like the server that much is that you need to buy some basic commands. The same commands that you get for free in other servers. While it might not be that big of a deal for most players. To be able to raise a competitive team, you either need to buy the /ivs command or have someone do it for you.
Posted 19th Dec 2016
Es muy bueno para dejar votos
me encanto me gusto mucho
Posted 26th Nov 2016
good set of pixelmon servers to play on, but remember that you have to fallow the rules
Posted 17th Nov 2016