username; Dinofanatic
Love this server. Really funny hunts.
username RubyRedPhoenix
Amazing server. really fun to play with friends.
diamondgunner10 dude this server is the best
Brainstorm876 The server has a great community and everyone's nice
this server is soo cool. amazing and good to improve ur pokemon skills i love how this server does and opporates . keep ur head up and lets catch some more pokemons
Username: Tygo1302
this is a great server and i started on pokedream and now im in pokeflash. i realy enjoy the server i whut racommend.
This server is awesome, not much lag, and very nice people in it, if anybody is reading this, i really recommend this server if ur trying to find a nice pixelmon server
Username: Crylemon
I love this server me and my freinds have been having lots of fun
the server is awesome, the two best things in the world Minecraft and pokemon combined in a great place with lots of helping people online is truly amazing
The servers are all very welcoming and the way its set up is making it even better.
Username: Blaster800
Very friendly username:KS15
Very welcoming, 10/10 staff, community always answers if I have a question
I find the server to be a safe and fun place. CrazySnakeLady05
I really like youre guy's server username: Kai89890
Its a amazing server all kinds of cool stuff my username is Fuzzymang
I think this is the best server for me
username: KannaYuki
i reeallu love this game username:Absolutesilver
Best pixlemon server i have ever played!
very fun server i love it its entertaining username: Kaedennnnnn
This is a very good server i love playing on it i play on it for atleast 8 hours a day. unsername: penutjon0000
the servers are really good! username: AzzaBTW08
pretty goooood - R3BORN_LEGENDZ
İve been using pixelmon mods for a wh,le and this one is the best one so far not lagging as well Name:Zaaptoor
Good game. Good for grinding and fun
Overall, very fun server to play on and would recommend. BeanLoops