Fun to play, would recommend,
This server is very fun to play and grind in. I have been hooked ever since I started. Would recommend - GalacticLapin
This server is very fun, with a lot of events happening. The occasional random toxicity does seem to make me want to play less, but I just keep playing because I love pokemon lol. Tax_Frog
Its cool i like it the pokemon look amazing but there one prob dont make everthing for doners
Never had any experience with Pokémon but this game makes it really fun! mindcraftoutlaw
Very fun to play and grind, but it is hard to find new pokemon,
Consider guild events? Also this is the best pixelmon server i can see that this will be the future server for pixelmon. Krakenn123
it is extreamly fun to play for hours on end from Whatsmyname21
best game ys unfaithful1y
First pixelmon server I have liked in a long time. TheUltimateG101
very goooooooooooooooooooooood
I feel that this game is very lit. However, players should not take any damage or lose hunger. Legendaries should also spawn more frequently in the game.
The server lagged at first, but then started becoming smoother, overall i like the server!
Im new here and its already fun :)
I think I need 32 red candy I don't know Lucas best
Im new here and its already fun :)
Been enjoying the server and wanted to get candy lol
Very fun to play with friends with no lag!
i love this server its so fun to me
very enjoyable server. Very nice graphics and kind people
amazing server. nice people,
this server is the best username: JerryG2007
Its such a fun a fresh way to play minecraft
i love this server me and my freinds have been aving so much fun and the communit is so nice