Best server to play on for pixelmon and good people on it.
Great server wish i could play all day (Macjem)
Finally a good pixelmon server, but Volt Hunt is so hard(IceBlaster263).
great sever add more money makeing mothodes
Great server with lots of stuff to do
Incredible server, great people and staff and easy to play with friends (ign TheCanadianpo8o)
Its a good server with great features and warps!
The server is a lot more easier to use than others and this is because it is more simplistic. for example the hub for "noob" players enables people to get the ropes of the server immediately. <----- DannyTheCreator
I liked how their where multiple servers that you could choose because you were able to pick different starters another thing I liked is there were youtubers there so you get to have fun interacting with them overall good server the only thing I disliked was the lag but with so many people I can understand.- HouseofDead323
Genuinely enjoying the server
Username: Food_Squad1
I liked it because there were different servers so you could try different starters and other things
I like how the warps are easy to use.
My username: Slatzito
Its an incredible server, easy to play with my friends, just wish their was a free move relearner
I like how you have specific pokemon spawning at different gyms
ign- __Papa_Smurf__
Bedst server ever
Best game server ever everyone should play it, many people are kind and helpful.
i need candy cuz candy=life
Probably one of the best pixelmon servers that ive played on
The PokeSaga server is a very nice server. While there are a few bad people on there, it's still a very good server. Most of the, if not all of the mod and staff, and even other players, are very helpful and can tell you what to do if you are just starting out. So, overall, it's a decent server to play on if you like Pixelmon. -AydenPlayzMC
idiONCRACKED this is the best pixelmon server ever
It's a great server! - maddiekat15
i like that it is a pixelmon sever that you can do almost everything for free and get free rewards
such a great server! -TheAthenaaa
IGN: campnick25
This server is a great server and is at the top of servers to play on
i finaly found a good pixelmon server