Its very fun and probably one of the best servers I've been on. -FrosttYT
I really like this pixelmon server!
I like this server so far and I hope it continues to grow
Nice game
my ign: Seanboy_1
username: sniper13570 amazing sever best one i seen so far
i like it so far but i think some stuff could be improved
I actually love this server it's like you are playing the real game but just in minecraft great game mechanics just an overall great server!
Username: Mory26
And that's pokemon what's not to like !
Best pokemon experience in minecraft
Game is pretty cool
my user name is ryanbaloe
i like this server very much cause its very different from other servers and you can do alot more i dont have any dislikes its an amazing server.
I just joined but the srever seems nice. Mentazar
amazing server a lot of events
my user name is joshminecraft16
Love the server, I got to choose my favorite starter, Torchic.
i like this server i like pokemon it is easy to start and there are ton of free things
my username is ojlon
Ign: FederalJoker721
Love this server positive energy and nice staff
Great server! Just restarted to play with my friend because its good enough
great sever great poeple to play with fun time Amajik1
i have only played on this server for a bit but i think its an amazing server
great server with helpful staff and a fun place to play
I have played it for a small amount of time but it is very good but sometimes command will mess up at my base but it is ok everywhere else.
Minecraft Username:DragonKnight36
So far I haven't played for long but seems super lag-free which I think is a good thing and chat is super friendly. Deadly_God
Grate would recommend it
Minecraft username: jjones679
Its an amazing server with a lot of new features.
Minecraft username: DarkMonster1