Erobie , this is a good server
Ign: Bromchammer- I love this server bc there are no hackers but i think it would be better if the End was eaier to access.
i love this server, been playing for an hour and its amazing!- WillzzTTV
ive been playing this game for 1 hour now and im enjoying it so much !! -spirociro
It's amazing for new comers to pixelmon and its mostly friendly but really fun too. User: FlamePJ1089
This server is verry good ive been playing it for some time and it s amazing! lolman321
Ive been playin for like 10 mi nand ive seen utube vids and it good
Ign: Zxoo
Pokesaga is my favorite pixelmon server because of the events, quests and legendary spawn rates, but I mainly chose it over other servers because it does not revolve around p2w aspects as much as most pixelmon servers do. Would highly recommend to people looking for a pixelmon server to play on.
I love the server it is fair and tons of fun
Mushy_GamezYT I like the server cause it lets you explore something new in Minecraft and its not just the same old stuff
STAMPILONGNECK. it is a very exciting server
YES, very fun server mhm make me have fun mhm i like it mhm, Adrianbby
This was a very good server. Flywhity
i love this game so much and i need the candy
This was a great server! DEMA_DH
IGN : jays7523
One of the best pixelmon based sever out there. There is so much stuff to do. just started a couple of days ago so far the staff and the players are nice A+++++ keep it up.
great server and great first impression
Lots to do, great atmosphere and staff, rarely any bugs all around fun time.
like it gimmie candy my user name in honey2013
great game
Hey my name is LucaMoon on the server. I love pokemon and minecraft and watching people do 100 days on the server like Jerome, Sigils, and Biffle. Made me wanna play the game and so here i am playing it and I am loving it so far! Not much to dislike about it.
its a good server glad i joined
IGN: cosmiceye3
This is a really cool server with a lot going on. I am having a little trouble remembering it all there is so much!
this server is great
IGN: f0xoh