This server has friendly people and generous mods. The gameplay is fun and it allows me to relax. (not as farm intensive as normal pokemon) Which makes it more fun imo. Only thing I can complain about is when you enter a battle and the camera angle glitches. IGN: OrangeRooster99
this is the best pixelmon server I've played
Great server will continue playing for a long time
Ign: MouseManYT
Amazing server... so much to do and so much fun
I love the server because of the pokemon and that theirs nice and friendly people and staff members also this server is awesome IGN: Zackary2129
The only downside to this server is the fact that i have yet so see a legendary spawn, other than that it's a good server.
this server is by far the best I've ever played
I love the server because of the pokemon and that theirs nice and friendly people and staff members
This is an incredible server!
IGN: BigCooke
love the server its super fun and friendly Taiyo_1
The server is great Bryvcx
my name is Basswap on the pokesaga server and i have played for around 7 hours so far and i love it ! would definitely recommend
I have been online in this server (Galaxy) for 12 hours, and I can say that it is a very good one. The lag in the server is uncommon, and the staff is helpful. The community is also very helpful and they usually help solve your problems/ answer your questions quite quickly. I can say that it is a very good pixelmon server.
IGN: Long_Guang
Very friendly people.Different from most pixelmon severs and its is very great.
It is very fun. The /warp training area is also very useful by farming the chanseys and blisseys. The Spawn area is also very well built. (Username Just_RP)
Nice server Very Friendly Mods. _Takeout
this is by far the best pixelmon server I've ever played
Good server lags a bit but nothing wrong with it vizongaming
great server got to make a lot of new friends! XxXJordanXxX
Really amazing modpack, very clean and very good, it also comes with servers, very nice admins and mods.
It's super well kept and clean ! trissybby
goood DrippieSamuraiXT very gooooooood
nice server and nice people Switchie33
This server was great! Buzzzzzzz666
This server was good. Bastow