Havics_Child - the best server ever
Nice server dude i like it good not pay to win
seemebree93 - very nice server
The server has a fantastic community and great pokemon. This server really brings pokemon to minecraft well.
Very chill server
if you ask a question in chat or if you need help people in the game will come and help you
- OneAsianKiddo
LT_SETH-really fun, I can't find myself off this server, the new ores are cool and it has all my favorite pokemon in this 10/10 would recommend
Nice community and not pay to win.
It has a friendly community, and isn't pay to win.
10 out of 10 would recomend to others
I love this sever i very much recommend it
Amazing game amazing animations and models. bigsqurs
Hi my Username is: hflv_
I really like this pixelmon server i am having heaps of fun on the couple days ive played it. alot of things are very good but sometimes the world boss battles are a bit laggy other than that everything is perfect. Keep up the good work.
From hflv_
Its a very good server in my opion ive been playing it for the last couple days and its been pretty fun, the players are nice and welcoming making it very easy to make new friends keep up the good work!
Its so fun since I have love pokemon and minecraft this server has been noob friendly
Username: _Chimpin
I gave this server 4 stars because although it's fun and although this is not the server's fault, I am very unlucky when it comes to finding pokemon I want even if they aren't legendaries.
Despite a few bits of lag, great server!
good server, a bit laggy
Good but pretty laggy pls fix
It's good i love it and it's nice :) wonderful server!
- andrewclark100
Its cool but laggy i dont know
name: Smeeterman
the server is nice i like it
IGN: Smeeterman
the server is one of the best out there the events are great and the staff actually speak and are ther if u need them i think im gonna be here for a really long time u should join!!!!!! - SuicuneSamurai
i like how it is more easy for a new player to get set up i think it makes the sever better than others - AGenjiMain
this is a very fun server
this server its amazing V3rbalAce