Great server and really great how it works
It's a fun server that I'm having fun playing.
I like the pokemon models. jeffyle
My username is MachoOpresor099 and i love this server is rlly nice
Amazing game cool animations great textures amazing game! bigsqurs
Over all the game is really good I just found a discovery that you can ride certain pokemon which is amazing. This game is just a great game.
I liked the models of the pokemon, but i feel like the shiny pokemons should have a sparkle effect around the pokemon.
This Game is really cool and very fun to play around with your friends battleing with your friends in very fun too!!! - Tiger_exe
This game is very good. fun and addicting.
The Server Is Very Good, Keep the good work.
the server was especially because of the events, wetalk2much
best server i have ever played will play forever
It's a really nice server to play on and a lot of friendly people.
very good mod the server has nothing of lag im my username is _Rechazadoh lots of warps and gyms
the game and mods is super thanks for letting me play yourstarling
It is really nice to find a really good pokemon server :)
my name is _ikeyy_yt and the server is really fun and very easy to use me and my friends love it
pretty good :) the community is nice and i like the map design
My ingame name is Ducky_Media23 and i like the server
it is fun to play and better experienced with friends.
its a great server and I will play it everyday
really good sever nice players and staff :)
I love this server, it seems unique compared to other servers and is honestly just fun to play and chat with the community. VeryFastDoggo
Zafyre - the best server EVER!!!!!!
fun but hard y can't u make and use ur own lures